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You ever meet someone that is so filled with ambition and excitement but just can't seem to put it all into words? Well that's Janna, Jared and Jenneka, the founders of Bee Obvious. They are brilliant and selfless entrepreneurs who want nothing more than to make a difference. Their handmade beeswax lip balm is the best I've ever used. However, they had no idea where to begin in making a website, yet alone a website that was mobile friendly and that could sell their product effectively. 


Our first step working with them was to have a think-tank, just to get all of their thoughts and vision for the company out of their head so we had something to work with. Once we understood the direction they wanted to take the company and the look and feel they had envisioned for the brand, we went to work. Our first demo, was exactly what they had envisioned. They will be the first ones to tell you how happy they are with their site and the entire process working with them. We even offered input and user experience tips that played a role in the design for their lip balm labels. Working with Bee Obvious continues to be a lot of fun and exciting to get to help such a high-potential company. 

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